Star Wars Episode VII

As you should already know, I’m a big fan of Star Wars. For the other Star Wars fans, we all know episode VII is coming out in 2015. You would also know that Lucasfilms was bought by Disney. Most people are thinking that because of this, the next Star Wars movie is going to be horrible. Now, Disney isn’t a bad film making business, but it isn’t Star Wars movie making material. Either way, I’m hoping that all be able to see the midnight premiere when it comes out. Even if Disney is producing the movie it can’t be that terrible because, we’ll, it’s Star Wars. That being said, if the next Star Wars movie doesn’t come close to my expectations, then I’m going to be very angry, and lose a lot of respect for Disney.

I’ve done a lot of reading of Star Wars the old republic, and the EU (extended universe) and throughout all of the books I’ve read, all of the books never contradict each other. What I mean by this is, no 2 or more books have several different things going on at the same place, and same time. An example would be if one book said (and this is silly) that Luke Skywalker caught a disease and died right after the 6th movie ended, while another book says that he never had a disease, and went on fighting rogue Jedi that he trained. Anyway, it’s beginning to look like Star Wars episode 7 is not going to be based off of a book or series from the EU. If this was to happen, then Star Wars should lose half of its ratings in my opinion.

I’ve also done some research on rumors, and there were a few sites that had rumors on the characters’ personalities. Based on my the information I found, I believe Star Wars episode 7 still has a chance of not being ruined an even exceeding my expectations of it. This could only work if the movie was based on a trilogy called The Jedi Academy. The first book is called “Jedi Search”, which is what episode 7 should be based on, and the other two books for episode 8 and 9.

The plot of this series has everything to make the movie perfect. First, there is the seemingly boring political business that contains a surprising twist. Then there are the remnants of the once great Empire with another super weapon, even more horrifying than the Death Star. Of coarse, to make Star Wars what it is, you have to have the Jedi vs Sith, which there is plenty of.

If Star Wars episode 7 were to be as great as the book was, then Disney will be rich, just from how many times I went to see the movie in theaters. To all of the people hoping the same as I am about the outcome of the 7th movie, may the Force be with you.


Lightsaber unboxing, part 6: glowing!
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Steve Marshall via Compfight

8 thoughts on “Star Wars Episode VII

  1. I have to say that it has a chance to be good, but I doubt based on Disney’s current standards, producing movies like Teen Beach Movie and Planes. The bad thing about modern Disney, is that when they make one big hit, they keep making movies with the same story until it gets boring and bland.

    However, on the good side, it’s Star Wars. Star Wars had a great idea and concept, and played off of that making 2 good trilogies, and I’m hoping Disney will follow in their footsteps and make a great movie.

  2. I’ve tried watching the Star Was movies before and I personally can’t last the entire movie. It’s not that I dislike the idea, its just not my type. I heard about the new Star Wars movie coming out by Disney on an article and I am really hoping it will have better graphics and animation than Lucas Film.

  3. Disney has kind of lost its touch. All they are making now is cheap sequels. I would be surprised if they brought something expected into Episode 7. That is, if it doesn’t end up being a musical. That’s a scary thought.

  4. Very well thought out idea. I’m glad to have fans like you that love Star Wars as much as I do! I’m also looking forward to seeing how the next episode turns out!

    “May the force be with you.”
    – George

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